About Me

Chicago, IL, United States
I'm a senior in high school. I'm 5''7 that like to have fun all day and every day i'm into sports and and music.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The best time in my life

The best time of my life is when i was playing baketball for the program aau. because i did this at the time i earned responisble.This was also the best time of my because i did what i loved to do.this is what i took on as kid like washing my own clothes and doing other things that i didn't have the change to do thing. The best time is a time you always remember as a kid or a adult. This will always be the best time i will always have.The best time of my life lead me to be a better person in my life. this also give my a new lifestyle.


Lil Jay said...

no carmelo can't beat kobe and that picture sucks cause kobe never get did up like that.