About Me

Chicago, IL, United States
I'm a senior in high school. I'm 5''7 that like to have fun all day and every day i'm into sports and and music.

Monday, March 31, 2008

ofte we have no time for our friends but all time in the world for your enemies

i pick this quotes because i was always thought keep your enemies closer then your friends. the quote stand for you should be closer to your enemies than yor friends. the ones you call your friend are not those that would help more then your enemies would. your enemies might talk about to your friends but will have your back. i had a problem were my friend didnt help me but my enemy help me fast then my friend would.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

the ultimate driving experience

If i could drive any car in the world it would a 2008 dodge mangum.The place i would be driving to will be mexico. The person i would take with me would be my lil brother jasper. the adventrue would be the funniest experience that i would every have. Both my brother and i have a lot of things alike then people think. I would be the driver and my little brother would be the cool person in the seat next to me. We would met at his house and make it to the high way. then spend our time just making our life the funniest at the time. then when we stop for food or at a space to sleep we will met some hot females and have fun. then wake up in the morning and keep the drive going. this would be the plan to we get to our place in mexico and party.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A postive experience with a teacher at hirsch

My postive experience with a teacher at hirsch i s with mr. turner. Mr.Turner and i had a postive experience my junior year at hirsch. Mr. tuner told me that i would have fun in his class and i did. I like the way he teacher and the way he make the work easy for the class to do. i had a postive experience with this teacher out of all teacher in my school years at hirsch yet. This help me in life because Mr. turner tought me alot of things about my life and other things that gone on in this world. the best postive experience in my junior year and since then i had more.